Tuesday 25 June 2013

Don't Starve with Willow Part 06

Plans to eradicate the spider problem in Piggerton has reached a major decision. Weapons are no use to take out the last two dens without facing death. This is the time for fire..... Fire doesn't catch on the dens. RUN!

One of the dens have finally been destroyed. Never have I seen so many creatures run at me at once before. The last one will have to be dealt with after...What's reaching toward the fire?

Odd. It slinks away at my touch, but the campfire attracts it. I'm not going to let it close to it. I hear strange things in complete darkness. Willow has the perk of starting fires if she's in a pinch to keep nocturnal creatures away. Rain has been fighting hard to drown out my light, but the spider eggs I collected has made for a strong flame tonight. A strike of lightning has frightened off the shadow hand... It wasn't much of a threat.
The bullfrogs north, however, thirst for blood. A whole raid of them attacked the village today. Two of the villagers tried to bat them off, and I tried to help, but hope was lost in a blink. Before I knew it, my armor snapped off and was whiplashed repeatedly. I unfortunately met my fate on this day.

I open my eyes to a-Wait a second. Uhg. I'm back at the touch stone! I feel weird....but I'm alive! How... Hm. I believe there's another touchstone near Midnight Town. I'll have to find it tomorrow.
The nights grow ever so colder. I've spent dusk trimming the tree population, as I may need a constant source of heat very soon. (I've never survived past Winter before, but I'm starting to grow on Willow, so I will do my best to keep her warm.)
Do you feel a chill? Snow has fallen! I don't have my coat, or any coats. Oh dear. I best not stray far from flame. I will carry a torch with me to the touchstone and hurry back as quick as possible.

Stupid Rabbits and their stupid coats
Rain has washed away the snow, but the cold pierces my cold body. I can't go far from the campsite, but I will have to make a trip for warmer clothing. I will make plans to pay the jackelopes a visit shortly.

I ventured down the road near the rabbit holes and trapped two unlucky critters. They have become protectors of my ears. Fluffy, fluffy protectors!

Winter is something of a bore. What can I do besides stand by the fire all day? Hunting is a gamble, and birds don't have enough meat on them. The berry bushes grow throughout the Winter, but it takes a lot to fill me up. The long nights have been taking a toll on me as well. The shadows seem to dislike my light, but who else sees these figures? Chester doesn't seem to notice.

Spiders don't seem to slow down in the cold. The last den still remains, but it's much too risky to cut it down right now. They've been keeping their distance this week.

The Winter has been rather cold to me. I'm left to cut down any sizable tree for warmth, and the berry bushes grow ever so slowly. I have a handful of diced carrots that will not last any longer. I have to find more food before I go crazy!

I hear the growling once again. Looks like I'm getting delivery today! JOYUS VICTORY. The hounds go down without too many bites to my face, AND a fat 'ol snowbird lands in my trap. We shall dine as champions!....Oh right. It's just me here now. Dusk forced everyone inside.

I've decided to use a poorly built bedroll to get through the night. I was hoping the bird would had have more meat to him. I woke up in pain from my gut. Completely empty. I'm left no choice but to eat hound meat. Filling, but disgusting.

The halls of my brain echo for what feels like an eternity. Rabbits look to have grown off of a simple man, and food is so close, yet so far away. How much longer until Spring?

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